Change the culture of Monthcalendar


Viewed 63 times


It is possible to change the object’s date format MonthCalendar from a Winforms application?

It occurs that the crop selected at a customer’s station is Polish and this is causing error in handling application dates.

I tried to use some alternatives like:

Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US");
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo("en-US");

But I was unsuccessful, the calendar keeps the default date format (configured in the OS Regional Settings).

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1 answer


As far as I know this component does not have this capability (by some internal fault). Either the user changes its configuration (the component recognizes the default of the user informed by the operating system), or the code needs to use another component. One you usually recommend is available in Code Project, I don’t know if it’s good or meets you.

  • I had already heard and read about it, and unfortunately I will have to turn around to find a way, the problem is that there are many interfaces that use Monthcalendar. thanks for the help

  • 1

    Well, that’s a matter of architecture. In my systems changing a part does not usually cause problems of this kind, always has a canonical form.

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