Grayscale in Images - OPENCV


Viewed 564 times


Good afternoon Personal,

I have an image . bmp and want to turn it into grayscale (0-255), through Opencv with C++(I don’t want to save this image in grayscale). From there, I want to go through the image by doing the following:

For each pixel, if the grayscale is between 0-31, then this pixel belongs to class 1. If it is between 32-63 then this pixel belongs to class 2 ... and so on. We will thus have 8 classes.

Then I want to know how many pixels are part of class 1, 2, 3, ... , 8.

How can I do that? I searched the Opencv documentation but couldn’t find anything to help me with that.

Thank You Very Personal!

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1 answer


Mat img = imread("sua_imagem.bmp", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
vector<int> acumulador(8);

for (int i = 0; i < img.rows; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < img.cols; j++) {
        int index = (int)<uchar>(i, j) / 32;

this should solve your problem, the accumulator vector is size 8, where each position contains the number of pixels of the image belonging to that class.

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