How to scroll through a multi-row table and select only one specific table?


Viewed 908 times


I’m trying to do that by clicking on a tr with a unique id, open a slideToggle with another table under the same line that was clicked. I made this example by opening the first and second line, only I wanted to do something dynamic.

I even managed to do it all at once but I wanted it that way I said it. If anyone can help me, I would appreciate it.

$(document).ready(function() {

  var contar = $('.contar');
  var qtd = 0;
  contar.each(function() {

  $('#' + 1).click(function() {
    $('.slide' + 1).slideToggle();
  $('#' + 2).click(function() {
    $('.slide' + 2).slideToggle();

<tr class="info aba" id="<?php echo $cont ?>">
  <td class="labelAzul">
    <?php echo $listaPedidosSemanais[ "NOME"]?>
  <td class="labelAzul">
    <?php echo $listaPedidosSemanais[ "SERVIÇO"]?>
  <td class="labelAzul">
    <?php echo $listaPedidosSemanais[ "OPERADORA"]?>
  <td class="labelAzul"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="abrir('pedidos_Semanais_prescricao.php?id=<?php echo $listaPedidosSemanais[" ID "]?>&dtIni=<?php echo $_POST["periodoInicial "]?>&dtFim=<?php echo $_POST["periodoFinal "]?>','600','600')">Prescrição</a>
  <td class="labelAzul"></td>
<tr id="<?php echo $cont ?>">
    <th class="labelAzul slide  <?php echo " slide " . $cont ?>" data-field="PRESCRICAO" data-sortable="true">PRESCRIÇÃO</th>
    <th class="labelAzul slide <?php echo " slide " . $cont ?>" data-field="DATAINICIO IRGENCIA" data-sortable="true">DATA INICIO VIRGENCIA</th>
    <th class="labelAzul slide <?php echo " slide " . $cont ?>" data-field="DATAFIMVIRGENCIA" data-sortable="true">DATA FIM VIRGENCIA</th>
    <th class="labelAzul slide <?php echo " slide " . $cont ?>" data-field="DATALIBERACAO" data-sortable="true">DATA LIBERAÇÃO</th>
    <th class="labelAzul slide <?php echo " slide " . $cont ?>" data-field="DIFERENCA" data-sortable="true">DIFERENÇA</th>
  <?php $qryPrescricao=$ dao->listar_prescricoes($listaPedidosSemanais["ID"], $_POST["periodoInicial"], $_POST["periodoFinal"] ); $qtdPrescricao = count($qryPrescricao); foreach ($qryPrescricao as $pacientes){ ?>

  <tbody class="contar">
    <td style="text-align: center" class="labelAzul slide <?php echo " slide " . $cont ?>">
      <?php echo $pacientes[ "IDPRESCRICAO"]?>
    <td style="text-align: center" class="labelAzul slide <?php echo " slide " . $cont ?>">
      <?php echo $pacientes[ "DT_INI_VIRGENCIA"]?>
    <td style="text-align: center" class="labelAzul slide <?php echo " slide " . $cont ?>">
      <?php echo $pacientes[ "DT_FIM_VIRGENCIA"]?>
    <td style="text-align: center" class="labelAzul slide <?php echo " slide " . $cont ?>">
      <?php echo $pacientes[ "DT_LIBERACAO"]?>
    <td style="text-align: center" class="labelAzul slide <?php echo " slide " . $cont ?>">
      <?php $duracao=$ funcao->diferenca_data_hora($pacientes["DT_LIBERACAO"], $pacientes["DT_INI_VIRGENCIA"]); $dia = (int) substr($duracao, 0, 2); $tam = strlen($duracao); if($dia >= 2 && $tam >= 11){ $classHoraUtil = 'labelVermelho'; $fora_prazo++;} else{ $classHoraUtil =
      'labelAzul'; $dentro_prazo++;} echo "
      <label class=".$classHoraUtil.">".$duracao."</label>"; ?>
    <?php }?>

  • Are you using some framework ? Bootstrap or something ?

  • try to capture the click on tr with $("tr").on('click', function() {&#xA; $('.slide' + $(this).attr('id')).slideToggle();&#xA;});

1 answer


Hello !

You do not need to use Jquery to do this, in a similar code I did the following:

    <td><a id='".$id."' href='#'  onClick='return slide(;'>Nome Exemplo</a></td>    

So in Javascript recovered this way:

 function slide(id) { 
  $('.slide' + id).slideToggle();

If you are working with Bootstrap, you can use this lib that transfers tr to a clickable link:

Edit: Maybe to display the information below the line, it is interesting to use the bootstrap Collapse class.

<a href="#demo" class="btn btn-info" data-toggle="collapse">Simple collapsible</a>
  <div id="demo" class="collapse">
      Texto Exemplo


  • Hello Lucas, this way it shows the information for all tables and I wanted it to work only below the one that was clicked. Thank you very much for your help.

  • yes, I’m using Bootstrap.

  • Oh yes, I thought the question was about not having to manually program the call of each record, to display the information below the line, maybe it is interesting to use the bootstrap Collapse class, just create a div with the class="collapse" and on your link put data-toggle="collapse" as in the example I will add to the answer

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