How to get out of a cycle in C#?


Viewed 2,547 times


I need to get out of the foreach when the value is equal to 1

foreach (DataGridViewRow dr in dgvValetes)
        //Sair aqui

I don’t know how to do...

  • Post your complete code

  • I’ve already put the cycle code

2 answers


To exit the cycle use the command break

foreach (DataGridViewRow dr in dgvValetes)
   if (dr.Cells["valor"].ToString()=="1")
  • 1

    "[...]It should not be used when the Primary purpose of the method call is to determine whether two strings are equivalent." Excerpt taken from MSDN on string.Compareto(). MSDN aspx

  • 1

    Edited, thank you


Assuming the condition is correct and you do what you want, you just need the break to get out of the loop there:

foreach (var dr in dgvValetes) {
    if (dr.Cells["valor"].ToString() == "1") break;

I put in the Github for future reference.

Note that I preferred to put the keys to avoid future maintenance problems and create some confusion.

For historical reasons (there was an error in the other answer):

Have the comparison of string using the operator == by the method CompareTo() doesn’t make any sense.

  • Edited, thank you

  • Exactly what I was going to say. Change == for CompareTo() doesn’t make any sense.

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