Differences between glassfish 4.0 and Wildfly 8.0.0


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1 - There is some difference in performance and/or usage complexity when comparing application servers: Glassfish 4.0 and Wildfly 8.0.0?

2 - Is there any specific situation where the use of 1(one) of them is more efficient/interesting than the other?

1 answer


Markus Eisele did a very interesting blog post on this comparison. Although I find the comparison somewhat superficial, I believe you will enjoy a read there.


Other interesting links related to this theme:

  • From what I understand of the links you put in your answer, there are no significant differences that can be noticed in these two application servers as to any question I asked in the question, so much that in one of the links you posted it is cited that the code-source of them are similar. It means that the choice only depends on the taste of the developer.

  • I posted the links in order for you to form your own opinion from the information available. I respect your opinion, but I must say that my opinion is a little different from yours.

  • I do see some significant differences between them (not necessarily in technical questions, see that there are several other issues such as marketing strategy, support, consulting services, ease of hiring experienced professionals on the platform etc...).

  • I think that to make the right decision in choosing an appserver for a large/complex project or to be the backbone of a company’s enterprise applications, such a choice depends on several factors (some of them I’ve even listed above)not depending only on the taste of the developer and there is therefore a ready and easy answer to such a question.

  • I understand. I thank you for expressing your opinion.

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