Apache shutdown unexpectedly , Does Not Work/Start!


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Man shaman no longer starts the Apache, this is making it impossible for me to test my codes, I was programming, everything was working normally when out of nowhere my Apache stops working and every time I run it gives the same error, I already tried to restart the pc but it did not work, follow the error

Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly.
11:01:34 [Apache] This may be due to a blocked port, Missing dependencies,
11:01:34 [Apache] Mproper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by Another method.
11:01:34 [Apache] Press the Logs button to view error logs and check
11:01:34 [Apache] the Windows Event Viewer for more Clues
11:01:34 [Apache] If you need more help, copy and post this
11:01:34 [Apache] entire log window on the forums

I don’t know what to do, somebody help me!

  • Running Skype together? Something is using the same port as your apache, so when it tries to start it doesn’t work.

  • No I have tried to terminate the skype, besides diso was working before it happened out of nowhere ;-;

  • Nikk, make sure the ports your apache uses are clear in your firewall. One test you can do is disable the firewall and test to see if it will start.

  • Firewall already disabled at this time ;-;

  • 1

    You can log in to php.ini and try to change the apache port to 8080 if you can’t find what you’re blocking. I advise you to sign in to the skype settings and change the port it uses, just to be sure

  • okay I’ll try both

  • Nikk this error is being generated by port locking, if Firewall is disabled check if you have any anti-virus blocking access. If the user(account) you are using has the necessary privileges to run the program.

  • See what error appears in the Apache error log.

  • @As I said it worked before, so it has nothing to do with permission and I have no executed Antivirus at this time

  • @Rodrigorigotti No error log appears

  • Guys, I changed the apache port to 8080, and another different error appeared, but I already found the answer to the other error thanks to all for the help

  • For those who want to know how I solved after changing the port follow the error and the answer of the OS: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20558410/xampp-port-80-in-use-by-unable-to-open-process-with-pid-4-12 is the first answer

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