register domain by the site


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Hi, I would like to integrate with so user choose a diminio and show if it is available or not and if it is available he could register without accessing the, someone knows how to do this?

  • 2 registry has the API for EPP, only it is not open for immediate use. You need to approve your application and make an "advance" of credits around 4000 reais (I do not know if the value is still this, it has more than year that I do not consult).

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    @Good Bacco, I didn’t know.

  • Update: for system release you have to make an advance of 100 records, IE, R $ 2700, which will be as credit for use in the system. (Thank @Randrade for pointing out the correct value)

2 answers


It is possible to consult using WHOIS and register/control using EPP. I even added an answer that I did of how to consult:

In fact, when you register or other similar service sites, what they actually generate is a service TICKET from them, the process then probably occurs in part manually, since they hold the .br part is only automated precisely by them owners.

What I mean by that, is that everyone like,, actually belong to the holders of the .br and when we hire it is our use within their contract, as well as .com, .org, .co must belong to different organs.

The only way to register something in the registry is if they have an API, so when they register it would generate a TICKET and the rest of the process that is probably in part manual would be on their account (

Reading their website I found this (I don’t know if you’ll take care of everything)


The service is available at, door 43 in UDP. It is possible to use this service in 3 ways:

  • Make queries through the website of

    The Domain Availability Service is posted on our home page.

  • Use one of the sample clients (it may be useful for you to study how it works) Registry provides fully functional sample clients written in Python, Perl, PHP and Java languages. The download can be done in

  • Use your own implementation (probably what you’re looking for)

    The technically knowledgeable user still has the option to implement his own client following the protocol specifications described in the document Protocol-Isavailv1.txt.

I have not tested, I do not know limitations, but it seems to me that will meet everything you want, as the site are these functionalities, in addition to informing if the domain consulted is available for registration, the Domain Availability Service still provides additional information such as, for example, the delegation of domains already registered, the reason why a particular domain consulted cannot be registered, tickets competitors or dates referring to the release process, where applicable.


As @Bacco cited exists the

The EPP protocol is an IETF standard that allows service providers to perform provisioning operations on objects in a central repository. Its main application is the automation of domain registration and maintenance.

Access to the . br EPP service shall be granted only to service providers approved in a technical type-approval procedure. This process is composed of a minimum sufficient sequence of commands to cover the main operations of the EPP protocol.

The client is written in C++

Once the form of integration with the systems is defined, it is necessary to request the registration of the provider in the type approval and testing environment.

  1. Definition of how to integrate the provider’s systems with the . br service In addition to the libepp-nicbr client library, developed by in C++, other implementations of the EPP protocol can be used.

    As EPP is a standard protocol, with XML interface on TCP transport with TLS, any language capable of generating and processing XML over TLS can be used for integration of the provider’s systems with, simply having the client implementation follow the recommendations listed in the EPP References section.

    During the development of systems integration, it is important to carefully observe the policies and restrictions on the EPP service of the . br for the correct functioning of the system.

  2. Access to the type-approval and testing environment Once the form of integration with the systems is defined, it is necessary to request the registration of the provider in the type approval and testing environment.

    This request must be made by sending the completed Approval Form to [email protected]. Please note that item 2 of the form must be completed with a user code registered in the type approval environment itself. Your user on the site under production of cannot be used in the testing environment.

    The access data to the EPP service will be sent by e-mail as soon as the provider’s registration is implemented.

  3. Approval in the approval procedure Once able to interoperate with via EPP, the provider must demonstrate its full understanding of the protocol and the Brazilian domain registration system. For this it is necessary to perform the EPP Service Provider Approval Procedure perfectly in

    This procedure shall be carried out within a maximum of 1 hour. When finished, the provider should send an email to [email protected] informing the IP address used in the connection, the name of the provider and the times of beginning and end of the procedure. will respond in approximately 48hs.

  4. Contract signing After confirming the approval, the provider must send the completed Contract Form to [email protected], so that we can draw up the contract.

    The draft contract as well as instructions for referral of the process will be sent by e-mail to the provider’s actions.

  5. Initial deposit After the confirmation of the execution of the contract, will contact you by e-mail to request that the initial deposit be made. This deposit must be made following the EPP Service Provider Credit Procedure. The value will be automatically converted into credits for use in domain registration and maintenance.

    Once the initial credit has been established, the provider will finally receive an EPP account in the production system of

  6. Request for SSL certificate

    Access to the production EPP server requires the use of an SSL certificate for the exclusive use of the provider, which is issued by only after the registration of the EPP account in the system. To obtain this certificate, follow the instructions described in Requesting an SSL certificate.

The alternative way

In some cases making the entire EPP process may be unworkable in some cases, as an alternative you could create a Dashboard for users similar to record for domain registrations, but they would generate Tickets for you and the update process until ticket completion would be manual from the service provider, in case you or your company, some companies start out like this, "reselling" existing services and could implement the system mentioned above to check if it is already activated and semi-automate some things.

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    good @Guilherme Nascimento +1

2 registry does have Apis, an isavail call and an EPP call. The isavail API only allows checking the availability of a domain, but does not require registration and therefore more agile to implement:

The EPP interface allows checking availability and making new records, but it is necessary to sign a contract with after demonstrating technical capability. The link is

The EPP process is 100% automated for domains that do not require prior documentation, so the most common ones and can be registered with full automation. Already for example and need authorization of specific organs.

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