Stored asynchronous Procedure


Viewed 132 times


When trying to run Process asynchronously

public async Task<ActionResult> Index()
        Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
        ContentManagement service = new ContentManagement();
        var contentTask = service.MesesAsync();
        var content = await contentTask;
        ViewBag.WatchMilliseconds = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
        return View("Index");

public async Task<List<SP_MESES_BUSCA_Result>> MesesAsync()
        var ListarMes = await db.SP_MESES_BUSCA().ToList();
        return ListarMes;

Returns the error:

Cannot await 'System.Collections.Generic.List'

1 answer


The await in his method MesesAsync() is expecting an asynchronous instruction.

Just change the ToList() for ToListAsync() that will work.

Your code will look like this;

public async Task<List<SP_MESES_BUSCA_Result>> MesesAsync()
        var ListarMes = await db.SP_MESES_BUSCA().ToListAsync();
        return ListarMes;
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