READ PHP - mysql_fetch_array


Viewed 41 times


Hello, I would like a help with the command below. I am trying a read in a database table but I cannot do the while, because it only shows the last record.

Note: Using the vardump she shows the loop normal.

class AppNoticiasDestaque{

    function AppNoticiasDestaque() {
        $verQ = "SELECT * FROM noticias";

        $ver = mysql_query($verQ) or die(mysql_error());
        if(mysql_num_rows($ver) > 0) {

            while($verRow = mysql_fetch_array($ver)) {
            var_dump ($this->AppNoticiasDestaque = $verRow);

//resgatando o resultado
<?=$obj->AppNoticiasDestaque['titulo_noticia'] ?>
  • If possible, use mysql_fetch_assoc as it is faster than mysql_fetch_array

  • Okay, thank you very much. Changed to mysql_fetch_assoc. ;)

1 answer


Hi @David, hi @David, I’m not sure I understand what you want to do, but the problem I’ve noticed is in the following excerpt:

<?php $this->AppNoticiasDestaque = $verRow; ?>

For every time the code passes in the loop you are replacing everything you have saved with the next line, which results in only 1 record. You can resolve this by changing the return of your method to:

<?php $this->AppNoticiasDestaque[] = $verRow; ?>

For you to have an array with all the results, you can test using this:

echo "<pre>";

I think this will help you.

  • William, perfect! That was just the problem, I was almost giving up already. Kk Thank you very much, it really helped. Congratulations on your knowledge there, cheers.

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