In Google maps API Javascript, when using the Circles object it overlaps my Layer of Fusion Tables and makes it impossible to click on the markers and open the infowindow etc of each Mac.
I have tried calling Circle before the fusion Tables call, without success. I also tried putting Zindex in the markers and continued the same thing..
NOTE: When I use a normal non-layer Marketer, Marker is on top of Circle and works normal.. only the layer that is below Circle. Follow a screenshot demonstrating the Circle overlay relative to the layer’s Marketer:
And follow a piece of code showing the calls:
circle = new google.maps.Circle({
strokeColor: '#0000ff',
strokeOpacity: 0.4,
strokeWeight: 1,
fillColor: '#0000ff',
fillOpacity: 0.07,
map: map,
center: myLocation,
radius: radius
//camada do fusion table
layer = new google.maps.FusionTablesLayer({
query: {
select: '\'Location\'',
from: tableId,
styles: [{
markerOptions: {
iconName: "ylw_stars",
map: map
send the codeword to see.
– zwitterion
If you put the code is better. In a project I did I used zIndex and it worked. Set zIndex high on the properties of the Mac when creating it and a lower zIndex for the Circle
– André Vicente
Sorry for the vague question and without the code. I updated and explained my problem better..
– gabriel morais