Does creating your own tags affect anything?


Viewed 61 times


I am creating a web page creation system for people who have no programming experience, but the organization of the page is done through tags.

For example:

    <artigo class="flex quebra">
        <postagem class="completo">
            <h1>Lorem ipsum dolor.</h1>
            <h2>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.</h2>
            <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Veniam corrupti atque natus.</p>
        <postagem class="metade">
            <h1>Lorem ipsum dolor.</h1>
            <h2>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.</h2>
            <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Veniam corrupti atque natus.</p>
            <h1>Lorem ipsum.</h1>
                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Totam neque itaque dolor sunt, illo!

I know I should have a div for every item, but since it’s meant for people who have no experience, it would be easier that way. This would affect in the future much the positioning of pages in search engines?

  • Can’t you identify the element by the class instead of the tag? Transforming <artigo class="flex quebra"> for <div class="tagArtigo flex quebra"> for example.

  • The point is, how to do the way I did would negatively affect the page in search engines?

  • 1

    If it is to do this, much better to simplify the whole syntax, and not just change the name of the tags. The intention is good, the solution is suffered. Also remembering that if you use your own tags, it is no longer HTML, it becomes at most an XML, which will only work thanks to the flexibility of the browsers.

  • I understand that is not the best solution, but for now it is necessary to be so. The main question is about the search robots. Please, anyone who can answer the question, thank you.

  • Update of the specification:

1 answer


There are several factors that interfere in the relevance of your page compared to others.

Starting with the "Doctype" document type, which is the first tag to be parsed in text markup documents.

As quoted by @Acco, your document, as it stands, will have negative relevance as not even one document type has been declared.

Declaring doctype to be html won’t help either, because html has its own tag pattern.

Therefore, you can use the tags you are using, however when thinking of relevance in the searchers, you should structure your document in accordance with the standards adopted to each type and variation of "doctype".

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