Detect stop() from Object Embed and return Alert()


Viewed 382 times


To all, once again, I ask for help.

I’m using a firefox with Mplayer Plugin

What I want is to send an Alert to the end of a played video, that is, if the video player is inactive (stopped) to broadcast alert() or if active(running) the function continues to check with method setInterval().

What I have done so far since the time of the question asked:

var obj = document.embeds[0];

function Stop(){
obj.Stop(); alert('Tempo de Preview, terminado.');

window.onload = function(){setTimeout('Stop()', 10*1000);}

Let’s say I made a breakthrough, but what I have at the moment is a code that makes a preview of the video by 10 seconds and ready!

But the intention, is to identify if the video came to an end, if it came then to broadcast a alert(), otherwise continue to check whether the video on <embed/> is or is not Stopped(stop).

This dialog alert() is just to illustrate the example of what I want.

Only for that, as you can see, you need to check from time to time by the method setInterval(), I still haven’t been able to formulate a routine that captures this property native Stop()

  • I almost understood, but then:"What I want is to catch the end of a video played without knowing the time elapsed." This confused me, gives some more details... Think about the "cake recipe", step by step of what you want?

  • 1

    See if you can get some help man... and

  • Helped, flowed or stopped ?

2 answers


Take a look boss:

<script type="text/javascript">

    function vidplay() {
       var vid = document.getElementById("Videobox");
       var button = document.getElementById("btn_play");
       if (vid.paused) {
          document.getElementById("pipoca").innerHTML = "Ae, pipoca quentinha !";
          button.textContent = "||";
       } else {
          document.getElementById("pipoca").innerHTML = " ";
          alert("Não para não, tava legal !");
          button.textContent = ">";

    function restart() {
        var vid = document.getElementById("Videobox");
        video.currentTime = 0;

    function skip(value) {
        var vid = document.getElementById("Videobox");
        video.currentTime += value;

	function myFunction() { 
		var vid = document.getElementById("Videobox");
	    alert("Acabou, gostou do vídeo ? Acesse : e veja mais !");


<video id="Videobox" onended="myFunction()" autoplay>
    <source src="" type="video/mp4" />

<div id="controles">
    <button id="btn_restart" onclick="restart();">[]</button> 
    <button id="btn_rew" onclick="skip(-10)">&lt;&lt;</button>
    <button id="btn_play" onclick="vidplay()">&gt;</button>
    <button id="btn_fastFwd" onclick="skip(10)">&gt;&gt;</button>
<p>Video <a href="" target="_blank">Big Buck Bunny</a>.</p>
<p id="pipoca"></p>  


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