Category query in Mysql


Viewed 139 times


I’m learning Mysql, I need help, I need to perform a query that returns a sales list by product category.

tb categoria 
campos: (id, categoria) 
dados: (12, camisas)

tb produto 
campos: (id, categoria_id, nome produto)
dados: (1 , 12, camisas leves)

tb compra 
campos: (id, produto_id, id_vendedor) 
dados: (5, 1, 23)


In tb purchase need to list sales by category through the "product id" by the operator

You can help me, please?

  • edits the question and places part of your project connection and variables

  • In the category table what is the data type ? int ?

1 answer


Come on, if I understand your question correctly you need to make an appointment that returns sales from a given one category.

It turns out that category is not present in sales table, it’s not even?

How to solve this?

To sale has a product, and this yes has a category. So we used the relationship between tables, through the concept we call foreign key (FK - Foreign Key), to obtain the desired information. We do this through JOIN (

Follow an example of SELECT to illustrate (based on the fields you spent).

  FROM tb_compra c
 INNER JOIN tb_produto p ON = c.produto_id
 INNER JOIN tb_categoria ct ON = p.categoria_id
 WHERE = 12;
  • I appreciate, I appreciate your willingness to help, everything worked out.

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