if only executes Else


Viewed 96 times


Hello guys I have this function ifit collects a variable coming from login.php and does a check to choose between two menus. It just doesn’t matter the result inside the variable $permt he always chooses Isis. Someone can point out to me my mistake made.




if($permt==1) {

    echo "$permt";  
     echo "$permt";

To complement this is the content of login.php

include "conecta.inc";

$log= mysqli_query($conn,"select nome,nivel from usuarios where login='$doc' ");
    header("Location: ../home.php"); exit;
  • 2

    echo after receiving data in the $permt variable to see what is being received.

  • already made friend I get the expected value 1

  • 1

    There is no way of knowing, the problem lies elsewhere: http://ideone.com/dvrb5W

  • interestingly if I remove a sign of '=' it happens to show the first option, but hangs on it too.

  • try using quote or quote exe: ($permt=='1') or ($permt=="1") if it works is due to the type of information received being string and not integer.

  • 1

    Are you sure your if you’re not using ===? if($permt===1) this condition plays to the else, but what you have in your code does not show error.

  • I did the tests suggested by Wilson same problem persists, only different thing is that I added echo within if and else and only occurs perfectly in if.

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1 answer


Maybe it’s because you’re comparing a string with an integer, just to be sure, it converts to an integer before comparing and makes a comparison of value and type '==' (three equals signals).

I also amended $permt=$svc['nivel'].""; for $permt=$svc['nivel'];

var_dump($permt); // para debugar se continuar dando erro.
if($permt===1) {
    echo 'op 1';
    echo 'op 2';

Complete code:

$permt=intval($permt,10); // poderia converter na linha anterior...
if($permt===1) {
    echo "$permt";  
     echo "$permt";

Remembering that the exit from echo is different from var_dump... Which way out of var_dump($svc['nivel']); ?

I hope to have helped and wish you good luck in your project!

  • with these amendments all echo has the value of 0, naturally inducing else

  • What is the output of var_dump($svc['nivel']); ?

  • 1 I made an echo before everything and really this correct.

  • echo output is different from var_dump... does a test with var_dump can be?

  • Made friend he gave me NULL I suspect you found the possible mistake.

  • 1

    If I helped you solve the problem I am happy if you choose my question or give +1.

  • It helped yes now I know I’m having a problem in the base file that collects information.

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