Transaction with multiple queries


Viewed 774 times


I was visualizing that question, and to try to answer I decided to perform some tests where I could see the following problem:

When conducting multiple queries to the Database via Entity Framework within a single TransactionScope I get the following error:

The underlying server failed in Open

I went for answers and found that one, where the author says:

"If you are using the Entity Framework with transactions, the Entity Framework automatically opens and closes a connection with each database call. So when you’re using transactions, you’re trying to spread a transaction over multiple connections. This raises to MSDTC." - Free translation.

I soon imagined that I could at a certain point in my code (before a second query) check the status of the connection and reopen it, as follows:

if (context.Database.Connection.State != ConnectionState.Open)

But unfortunately the result did not come out as expected as a new error was displayed while trying to open the connection:

Distributed Transaction Manager (MSDTC) network access has been disabled. Enable DTC network access in the MSDTC security configuration using the Component Services Administrative tool.

Why this resource is needed?
This feature is on the client or server side?
When deploying my application to the official server will I have to enable something there? (My application server is separated from the database server)

Is there an alternative solution? (Perform multiple actions in a single transaction)

Excerpt from the code:

using (MeuEntities context = new MeuEntities())
    using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope())
        int ordemAlternativa = 1;

        if (questaoAlternativa.RespostaCorreta == true)
            var alternativasDaQuestao = context.QuestaoAlternativa.Where(qa => qa.QuestaoId == questaoAlternativa.QuestaoId);
            if (alternativasQuestao != null && alternativasQuestao.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var item in alternativasQuestao)
                    item.RespostaCorreta = false;
                    context.Entry(item).State = EntityState.Modified;

                ordemAlternativa = alternativasQuestao.Max(qa => qa.Prioridade == null ? 1 : (qa.Prioridade + 1));

        questaoAlternativa.Prioridade = ordemAlternativa;

        // Código adicional para reabrir conexão
        if (context.Database.Connection.State != ConnectionState.Open)

        // Erro ao realizar consulta
        int prioridadeArquivo = context.QuestaoAlternativaImagem.DefaultIfEmpty().Max(qai => qai.Prioridade == null ? 0 : qai.Prioridade);

        for (int i = 0; i < Request.Files.Count; i++)

            byte[] fileData = new byte[Request.Files[i].InputStream.Length];
            Request.Files[i].InputStream.Read(fileData, 0, Convert.ToInt32(Request.Files[i].InputStream.Length));
            QuestaoAlternativaImagem questaoAlternativaImagem = new QuestaoAlternativaImagem() { NomeArquivo = Path.GetFileName(Request.Files[i].FileName), Descricao = Path.GetFileName(Request.Files[i].FileName), Prioridade = prioridadeArquivo, Imagem = fileData, QuestaoAlternativaId = questaoAlternativa.QuestaoAlternativaId, Guid = Guid.NewGuid() };

  • Would this be an alternative model? thus creating several DbContext and giving SaveChanges() for each block, all of them within a single TransactionScope.

  • What "multiple queries" you performed?

  • I will add the code to the question.

  • I took advantage of a code from my project that I was curious to implement this.

  • There is nothing wrong with the code. The problem is another.

1 answer


  • thank you so much for your reply. But why do simpler transactions work perfectly? I saw in your answer that there are different alternatives, but what is the use of this coordinator? Must enable it on application server or database?

  • The lower the level of nesting transactions, the simpler it becomes for the transaction coordinator to control the persistence flow. The transaction coordinator intermediates the application persistence flow with the database. It takes away from you, programmer, the responsibility to open transaction cursors. The enabling is done on the application server.

  • Very complex transactions can generate some kind of lock?

  • 1

    What a strange @Ciganomorrisonmendez I didn’t enable the support to the transaction coordinator and I made sure that it is not running, so I just changed the timeout transaction and worked: TransactionOptions options = new TransactionOptions(); options.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1200); using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Suppress, options))

  • They can answer you. Try not to make too big transactions.

  • Possibly you may have some I/O neck to have to use the timeout, but good that it worked. Try provoking an exception in the middle to see the rollback working.

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