How to differentiate a url typed by the user and the one invoked by the html code


Viewed 27 times


I need to compile an analytical report for a client about which Urls each network user accessed. However, the reports I’ve been observing show thousands of records that don’t serve that purpose. Quoting the Apis, jpgs, js and css that html codes call when a page is loaded. So, inside a firewall on a linux server, how can I differentiate the Urls that users accessed and the ones that the html codes invoked (also the other traffic that goes through it). What information should I look for to know what the user actually typed?

  • You can only trace the files you have .php or .html

1 answer


There are firewalls with proxy modules that already do this tracking/blocking for you and that even emits report too, but to do it in hand the right thing would be to search for the HTTP GET method and that contains the formats php, html, Asp, aspx among others, what really is what the user visibly wanted to access.

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