Format CPF or CNPJ field using Regex


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I would like a regular expression (REGEX) to format the CPF or CNPJ field

This is the code I’ve come up with so far:

    String cpf ="09551130401";
    cpf = cpf.replaceAll("(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{2})", "$1.$2.$3-$4");

1 answer


CNPJ: (^\d{2}. d{3}. d{3}/ d{4}- d{2}$)

CPF: (^\d{3} x2E d{3} x2E d{3} x2D d{2}$)

Using Validation Bean, you can set a default for your variable.

@Pattern(regexp = "(^\d{3}\x2E\d{3}\x2E\d{3}\x2D\d{2}$)")
private String cpf;

I searched these expressions here and tested them on this website.

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