How to call the same task more than 1 time


Viewed 62 times


I have the following task:

Timer tempovolta1 = new Timer();
TimerTask tarefavolta1 = new TimerTask() {
    public void run() {

I want to call her several times:

tempo1.schedule(tarefa1, 2000 );

Then to a longer time I’ll call her and give ERROR:

Exception in thread "AWT-Eventqueue-0" java.lang.Illegalstateexception: Task already scheduled or cancelled

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1 answer


From what I understand you want or need to actually use the Swing timer.

Set a constant for example

private static final int TIMER_DELAY = 50;

Your Timer

new javax.swing.Timer(TIMER_DELAY, new ActionListener() {
     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

And his method

public void loopTeste() {
      button.setLocation(button.getLocation().x + 5, button.getLocation().y);
  • I didn’t understand, I thought I had to use something like mult-timer or cancel the task after running, it would work ?

  • @Diogocipriano the code worked?

  • i used timer to give an interval between running a for

  • I need to call the same timer over and over again

  • I don’t know where and how to use what you wrote

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