What language do you learn?


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I was beginning to learn to program, but it was still very slow. Only now I’m starting a systems analysis facul and I already have some startup ideas.

As I intend to open some in the future, I will start learning to program in some language that already has to do with my ideas.

I wanted to know what/what languages I should learn to formulate a site where I provide a way for a trader to register unique products from it (for example, he can sell shrimp in bulk every day, but the price changes day by day and the offer would then have a short shelf life to register the offer and unsubscribe what was not sold all in hand). On that site then appeared the offers of an establishment as a pin on a map (the location of the place). The platform would send a notice to the email of the registered customer warning that near him has an offer.

Later this would also be taken to a mobile app, where the warnings would be made by notifications and the front page of the app would be the map (Uber app type).

The issue is that the trader himself would register the products.

I have intermediate knowledge in HTML and CSS. In this short time I have seen that to learn, it has to be in practice.

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    Hello! Welcome to Stack Overflow! Although your question is quite frequent, it is not exactly in the pattern of the site, of which you can know more touring. Don’t worry, he’s pretty fast! ;)

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    Okay. Thank you Daniel. I’m still learning how to work the platform. :)

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    Your question this out of scope the site here is focused on problems related to programming, but, I’ll give you a tip -> if possible learn several languages at once, choose a three to start, you can choose the languages you will use in your project and others to better understand and improve logical reasoning, Python and C are great options for those who are starting, and do not forget to also study programming paradigms. Good luck to you and on your walk ;)

  • Thanks Carvalho. I met the stack overflow precisely in programming forums. I only decided to post here, because I had seen that the focus was not only programming, but also entrepreneurship, photography, physics, startups.... Since I thought my question was about programming and entrepreneurship, I decided to take a risk. But thanks for the tips.

2 answers


We’re all students, but as a college professor with a little bit of experience I’ll give my humble opinion:

If you can learn logic well, starting with the structured paradigm, the old-fashioned C, I can tell you from experience that you are on the right track. Value your teacher and study how to solve problems with patience and without anxiety. There are students who can’t think for 15 minutes in a simple factorial exercise with recursion, imagine implementing really difficult things like genetic algorithms, neural networks etc.

Today there are people who know how to think. It has no idea at all to structure a logical reasoning and goes the easy way that is simply to say that "does not like programming".

Study structured C with good exercises to awaken reasoning.

On entrepreneurship, I am in favor of you developing your ideas, but really learn to solve problems and strengthen your logic before.

Your question is the same as a young man who just learned to play the piano:teacher, will I be able to play Bach? The answer: Of course, it’s up to you

I hope I’ve helped.


Hello, as our friend Jack would say, let’s go in pieces.

Given that you intend to create on a web platform, I advise you to first focus well on html and css. Face learn this well, because they will be the basis for the future. After you have practiced a lot and are already wild, focus a lot on the algorithm classes. Expensive algorithm is the basis if you want to be a programmer, or create some software. Without knowing algorithm and the famous programming logic, unfortunately you will be doomed to failure.

After practicing and quite ( beyond what college teaches you ) I would say you could focus on 3 languages. One of them is essential for web development, Javascript. Face learn pure Javascript, without being frameworks like jQuery, angular and others that exist in the market. Then you can focus on PHP or Ruby.

Face I venture to say that Ruby is no longer the future but the present.

But I tell you, it won’t be easy. You’ll have to study hard, and devote a lot too.

Oh of course, not forgetting also a database .. There are many there in the market . But I advise you to start using already using a postgresql. FREE and powerful.

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