Collection does not allow foreach


Viewed 179 times


I have a collection and inside I have another collection of images. I need to do a chained foreach to get information from the first collection, and then the second foreach to get the images I have referring to the first looping.

Here is my code:

@foreach ( var item in Model )
    <div class="title-pagina-interna">

    <div class="container-carrossel">
        @foreach (Imagem teste in item.Thumb)

But the following error is returning to me:

foreach statement cannot Operate on variables of type 'Webprovider.Mbw_incentivo.domain.Models.Imagem' because 'Webprovider.Mbw_incentivo.domain.Models.Imagem' does not contain a public Definition for 'Getenumerator'

How can I fix this?

  • 1

    A good start would be formatting the question better, and pasting the code into the text. Read here how to format your code:

1 answer


The type of property Thumb of your item is not an image collection; it is an image only, so it cannot be used in a @foreach. As you said you have an image collection relative to the first loop item, you need to use the property that returns that collection.

  • Okay, but how do I do that? Thank you

  • 1

    In his class of Model, which contains the property Thumb needs to be, for example: public List<Imagem> Thumb {get; set;}. This list will need to be instantiated, of course, and filled in with the instances of Imagem, of course, for iteration to occur.

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