How to list the symlinks of a folder on Linux?


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I’m using a tool to deploy in PHP.

When I use the command, some symbolic links are created for certain folders.

As I will run this command on a Linux server, I wonder if there is a command to list all the symbolic links created in the folder.

With the command ls I’m not being able to differentiate between folders and links

How can I do this on Linux?

  • tried ls -la ? You can see who’s link by ->

  • What does that?

  • is the ls, but with the flags to "list in list" and show everything. If you prefer has the find . -type l -ls, that restricts to links only

  • Responds to friend

  • 1 e

  • 1

    Who gave the -1 could inform how I could improve the question?

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1 answer


If it’s just for viewing, you can use the ls even:

ls -l
  • the option -l is the "long listing" that shows the details

Links will appear with origin indication (->).

If you want to better filter the listing, you can use the find:

find . -type l -ls
  • . is the current directory. You can switch to the specific path if you prefer.

  • the -type is a file type filter. The l, as you may have imagined, is the type "symbolic link".

  • the -ls in case it is only a helper here, to show the special characters "escaped", so that they are legible.

  • 1

    With the ls -l then give to combine with a grep "\->":p

  • 1

    If you really want to research, you better find. I think the ls is good to go "in the zoo" only. But you can filter with grep without problems.

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