Proccess Dialog does not open Asynctask


Viewed 44 times


During an API interaction that lasts on average 5 seconds, I need to place a Process Dialog.

My code:

public class finalizaPedido extends AsyncTask<Object, Void, Integer> {

    private String retorno;
    private String url;
    private String param = "?";
    private View view;

    public finalizaPedido(View v) {
        view = v;

    protected void onPreExecute() {
        pd =, "Loading...","Loading...");

    protected void onPostExecute(Integer pedID) {

        view.getContext().startActivity(new Intent(view.getContext(), ActivityPedidoFinalizacao.class));

    protected Integer doInBackground(Object... params) {
        String lojaid = (String) params[0];
        String carrinhoid = (String) params[1];
        String formapagamento = (String) params[2];
        String qtdparcela = (String) params[3];
        String frete = (String) params[4];
        String idbonus = (String) params[5];
        String endid = (String) params[6];
        String previsaoentrega = (String) params[7];

        url = "" + lojaid + "/" + carrinhoid + "/" + formapagamento + "/" + qtdparcela + "/";

        param += "isApp=true";

        if (!frete.equals("")) {
            if (!param.equals("?")) param += "&";
            param += "frete=" + frete;

        if (!idbonus.equals("")) {
            if (!param.equals("?")) param += "&";
            param += "idbonus=" + idbonus;

        if (!endid.equals("")) {
            if (!param.equals("?")) param += "&";
            param += "endid=" + endid;

        if (!previsaoentrega.equals("")) {
            if (!param.equals("?")) param += "&";
            param += "previsaoentrega=" + previsaoentrega;

        webclient client = new webclient(url.replace(" ", "%20") + param.replace(" ", "%20"));
        retorno = client.getmodel();

        if (retorno != null) {
            try {
                return Integer.parseInt(retorno);
            } catch (Exception e){
                Toast.makeText(getContext(), "Houve um problema na criação do seu pedido. Por favor tente novamente e caso o problema persistir, entre em contato com a Equipe do Blubalu.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG);

        return 0;

I happen to click the button that calls the task, but the process dialog does not appear. It is only when the request ends, and already redirects to the next page.

  • 1

    For security reasons should not put the IP.

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