Where can I find the DLL microsoft.expression.Encoder.Devices?


Viewed 138 times


I’m trying to develop a string instrument tuner in C#. I found a project called FFT Guitar Tunner, but I’ve been having some problems with his references. After all the only reference that keeps giving trouble is: microsoft.expression.encoder.devices

I’ve downloaded Microsoft Encorder 4 but can’t find this DLL. I can’t find it anywhere else.

  • You have already read this link : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20996897/c-sharp-microsoft-expression-encoder-missing-reference-how-to-add-them-to-pro

  • I found this information. For Namespace Microsoft.Expression.Encoder.Devices, Assembly is microsoft.expression.Encoder.dll (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.expression.encoder.devices.encoderdevice%28v=Expression.40%29.aspx)

  • This tip sounds interesting: http://www.codeproject.com/Questions/223832/Reference-to-Microsoft-Expression-Encoder

  • The MSDN link confirming the namespace I had already seen yes, and I had already installed Microsoft Ncorder 4 as well, but the path they indicated in the answers you gave me was empty, I’m uninstalling and downloading again to see if it works this time. I’ll be back here if any change occurs.

1 answer


Look, I can’t help you much with the dependencies!

I can give you a few tips, I don’t know in depth what the specifications are for your project and much less about the project called FFT Guitar Tunner, I think it was you who opened a topic about how to recognize frequencies at a time, but definitely using FFT to build tuners is not considered a good practice, see well I said "considered", but if to insist with FFT, to achieve really good accuracy it is necessary to use some techniques in parallel as zero padd, compute the difference between phases[1] and finally perform parabolic interpolation around the spectral component found by FFT, working in the frequency domain gives much more computational work if your project is in real time, there are simpler alternatives in the time domain, find frequencies with a simple autocorrelation can be simple and extremely fast and allows applications in real time, if it is only work with guitar tuning you can use filters (high-pass, low-pass) to remove spurious frequencies and ensure a better result ...

Another important point, when we talk about frequency, this is defined as the number of times a given cycle is repeated, namely its periodicity, in the case of a guitar chord sounding what you hear or is the feel of the timbre you hear may be totally different from the frequency found using only FFT, ie is the difference between the perception of sound that you really listen to with the physical oscillation of the waveform.

[1] J. L. Flanagan and R. M. Golden, "Phase vocoder," Bell Systems Technical Journal, vol. 45, pp. 1493-1509, 1966.

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