is not working in xe8 =/, you know why?
Json requestresponse1.context:
["1 - Album Linha Inglesa (f) 30x30 (a) 30x60 25 laminas (120 imagens)","1 - Cobertura Religioso, Ensaio e Recep\u00e7\u00e3o","2 - Fot\u00f3grafo(s)","1 - Making Of da noiva","1 - DVD com todas as fotos do album","1 - DVD com todas as fotos do evento","1 - Poster(s) 50x80","1 - Sessao de fotos apos o evento religioso","2 - SelfieCG"]
Adilerson, could you add the code you’re using?
– David
Look at my problem now it’s another one, rsrs! I am receiving a Json from a restresponse if the following text: {"error":"0","user":"Rafael and Andressa","code":"249"} if I do a reading by Json, returns an error. But if I copy this text into a notepad and paste it back into the memo, Json can read normally, is there a special format coming??
– adilerson