Failed to load Resouces from a Resource File


Viewed 61 times


I’m trying to make my Xamarin application internationalize. I followed the tutorial ( that works on Android, however, when testo in windows is exceeded the exception System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException.
More specifically

An exception of type 'System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException' occurred in but was not handled in user code

Additional information: Unable to load resources for resource file "Projeto.Resources.AppResources" in package "df348a55-72cd-4de3-a7db-cb0ecacf1e0b".

How can I solve this problem?

Obs1: There are two RESX files (Appresources.resx and in a PCL that is referenced in the UWP project.
Note: Na TranslateExtension when I use it

ResourceManager resmgr = new ResourceManager(ResourceId
                            , typeof(TranslateExtension).GetTypeInfo().Assembly);

I’m using

ResourceManager resmgr = AppResources.ResourceManager;
  • Which line does the error occur (ask the question if possible)? Which version of xamarin?. Your UI is via code or XAML?

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