How to update a line(Row) in datatable? (Primefaces)


Viewed 542 times


Hey, guys? Please, can some Javelin ninja help me with this case? I have a datatable and need to know how to update a single Row after an event, such as a click on a commandButton.

I studied a little about the 'omnifaces' before anyone comment on it here hehe, but unfortunately I could not make it work as in the examples they present, much to the contrary, the one gives a refresh on my full page :(

2 answers


Staff I managed to solve the problem! It had no way, it was necessary to use the library of omnifaces (link for anyone who wants to see more

Rather with the omnifaces he would give a refresh in my entire page, I apparently solved this problem by including Ids in all my datatable components and using only primeface components (before I had some JSF components in the middle). Also of course, I based on the library’s sample codes.

  • thanks, I was having the same problem. .


I was in doubt about this update. Is it update in the database? Or just a screen update?

If it is screen update, I believe attribute update solve your problem.

ps.: I haven’t talked more about the attribute, because I don’t know if that’s what you’re looking for.

  • 1

    Opa Luke, sorry for the scarcity of information hehe. When I referred to the update, it is the update on the same screen, more specifically of the Row I selected, I only need to trigger an event that of a refresh in that specific line. I can update the entire datatable after this event, but it causes a lot of slow and needless in my opinion, since I just want to refresh a line! Thanks for the help!!!

  • I forgot to mention it in the previous comment

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