Problem using the Jaybird


Viewed 122 times


I am unable to connect in my bank using the jdbc of Firebird. the bank is very old and I can not discard it yet, I need to at least download the customer list and save on sqlite.

the problem happens right at the beginning, when I use:


As if I couldn’t find the driver. I go to "Build path" and add the Jaybird-full-2.2.10.jar file but nothing happens.

Could someone help me?

1 answer


  1. Remove the Build path jar.
  2. Create a new folder in your project called "libs"
  3. Copy the Jaybird-full-2.2.10.jar into the libs folder


  • That’s it? Thank you but now you’ve made another mistake, and don’t compile the project. [link]

  • try to do a clean on your project

  • I was able to compile, but I still can’t connect to the driver. Error: java.lang.Classnotfoundexception: org.firebirdsql.jdbc.Fbdriver

  • strange, is compiling for which android version?

  • android:minSdkVersion="14" android:targetSdkVersion="21"

  • can pass the contents of the file . classpath, . project and project properties. ?

  • here they are:! 7gplyCSS! dXo-v3riIcd_zvmku0incMrsryc650mDArGKncSncrs

  • ta very strange, in my environment is working even with the configured project equal. Could you pass me the entire project? can delete parts of the source code that you don’t want to pass...

  • 1

    Dude, I’ll try another pc and see if it’s something that’s set up wrong on that. Thanks.

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