Responsive design for Android app


Viewed 6,182 times


Can someone refer me some material (books, websites, ...), about responsive design for android.

  • What do you mean by responsive layout? HTML or application that works with more than one screen format?

  • No HTML or CSS applications at all!

  • Have any specific questions regarding any code you are testing?

  • I want to study from scratch same, I already searched in the web but I saw nothing of code only theory is bla bla no code!

  • @Marcelo doesn’t have much not because usually one does several layouts or multiple apps. There is not much miracle. What it has is how to make an application have several different layouts for various screen sizes and formats. (hdpi, mdpi, etc)

  • Take a look at this question/answer here: Why so many folders with the name Drawable on Android

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Boy, I think you’re lost with the basics of Android programming. Responsive is a term commonly used for building websites and webapps, for when it adapts to different screen sizes.

In mobile programming, using the SDK, for the operation of an application in different screen sizes, there is the configuration of the application layout for each resolution that wants the app to work.

I don’t know what your English is like, but this is a good article

For this screen embedding really is not much code no, in general we mount the screen through a *.xml inside the layout folder and set the images and elements used that it will use.

Each folder has an indication of the screen resolution it is intended for. Example:

layout-hdpi layout-xhdpi

drawable-hdpi drawable-xhdpi


I hope I can help you with something!

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