How to save my queries (sql strings) in the log file in Codeigniter?


Viewed 519 times


My problem is the following, how to register queries(the generated sql string) in my log file. I know there’s a function to it, only I don’t want to have to call this guy in all my Model methods.

My question is, how could I do to solve this problem in a simpler way?

I thought about the Hooks, but from what I could see I couldn’t create a hook to access a Model.

1 answer


To save a Log of all SQL (with established test it brings the SELECT only).

How would it be:

Goes in your configuration file application/config/config.php and the key enable_hooks place $config['enable_hooks'] = TRUE;

Also within application/config in the archive hooks.php put the following code:

$hook['post_controller'] = array(     // 'post_controller' indicated execution of hooks after controller is finished
    'class' => 'Db_log',             // Name of Class
    'function' => 'logQueries',     // Name of function to be executed in from Class
    'filename' => 'db_log.php',    // Name of the Hook file
    'filepath' => 'hooks'         // Name of folder where Hook file is stored

Now create a file in application/hooks by the name of db_log.php with the following code:

class Db_log {

    function __construct() 


    function logQueries() 

        $CI = & get_instance();     
        $filepath = APPPATH . 'logs/Query-log-' . date('Y-m-d') . '.php';            
        $handle = fopen($filepath, "a+");     
        $times = $CI->db->query_times;    
        foreach ($CI->db->queries as $key => $query) 
            $sql = $query . " \n Execution Time:" . $times[$key];    
            fwrite($handle, $sql . "\n\n");

Ready, soon after the first execution will be generated a file of log by date, inside the folder application/logs storing all of its SQL.

Reference and copyright to the website: JIGAR JAIN - Logging/Saving all DB queries in Codeigniter

There is also the bitbucket of this settings: Codeigniter - Log all DB Queries in Log File, if you want to clone the repository.

  • I like this implementation. But funny that the attribute 'queries' is returning an empty array.

  • So I also implemented @Mathdesigner47 and it worked and first. Your log is enabled like this $config['log_threshold'] = 4; in the config.php file?

  • It is. But the whole thing is that this guy '$CI->db->queries' is empty. ?

  • "codeigniter/framework": "^3.0" that’s the version.

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