String replace with single quotes - php/mysql


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I’m doing an Insert/update in a database through a csv file. I have problems when I try to upload the file and it finds data with simple quotes, for example: "SANTA BARBARA D'OESTE".

My Internet has stayed:

        $sql = mysql_query( 
        "INSERT INTO tabela SET
        `dado1`= '$data[0]',
        `dado2`= '$data[1]',
        `dado3`= '$data[2]'")

Then I thought to make a string_replace to see if it worked, with simple quotes does not work, because he understands that it is an open quote:

    $dado1= $data[1];
    $dado_alt = str_replace(''','',$dado1);

        //ai o insert ficaria assim:
        "INSERT INTO tabela SET
        `dado1`= '$dado1',
        `dado2`= '$data[1]',
        `dado3`= '$data[2]'")

And with double quotes also did not roll, even because the syntax is with single quotes right

    $dado1= $data[1];
    $dado_alt = str_replace("'","",$dado1);

What can I do to fix this? Thank you!!

  • 1

    I believe it is the same problem, properly solved: Problem with php query because of quotation marks

  • Since there was no other activity in the post, I closed it as a duplicate. I understand that the solution is on the link indicated, but if you have any questions, leave a comment that we will try to help.

1 answer


php accepts both double quotes and single quotes for a string. In your case it will not work with simple quotes, because the compiler will interpret that you are opening one more quote.

The difference between double and single quotes:

Double quotes: "{$data[1]}" or "$dado_alt"; // accepts printa for variable
Single quotes: 'apenas string'; // accepts only the string

About the syntax, it is correct. Copy this code snippet and use this site to execute (

$dado_alt = str_replace("'","",$string);
echo $dado_alt;

In my opinion instead of removing, you could put a special character so that later you could treat this value. So it would show the real value.

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