Sql problems with disntinct


Viewed 82 times


I have a table in my database with:

  • horarioId
  • horarioParagemId
  • horarioLinhaId
  • horarioHora

Do INNER JOIN of the table rows:

  • linhaId
  • linhaNome

Do INNER JOIN of the table stops:

  • paragemId
  • paragemRua
  • paragemLatitude
  • paragemLongitude

    Example of the schedule table

Horarioid : 1 scheduleParagemId : 3 hourly Table : 4 hourly Time :22:00:00

Horarioid : 2 scheduleParagemId : 3 hourly Table : 4 hoursHora :21:00:00

The goal is to only receive the coordinates where the id of the stops are different. The code I made works with paragemLatitude or paragemLongitude, but does not work with paragemId


$sql="SELECT DISTINCT horarioParagemId
      FROM horarios
      INNER JOIN paragens ON paragemId = horarioParagemId
      INNER JOIN linhas ON horarioLinhaId = linhaId
      WHERE horariolinhaId = " . $_GET['filtrapronto'];

$_SESSION['latitudefiltra']= array();
$_SESSION['longitudefiltra']= array();

while($dados=mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {

    $_SESSION['latitudefiltra'] [] = $dados['paragemLatitude'];
    $_SESSION['longitudefiltra'] []  = $dados['paragemLongitude'];

$obj = new stdClass();
$obj->Longitudes=$_SESSION['longitudefiltra'] ; 
echo json_encode($obj);
  • You can illustrate the expected result?

  • This is what you want: http://sqlfiddle.com/#! 9/5535ec/4 ? If not, tell us an example of records you have and what result you expect.

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