Calculation of Order for Sale jquery items


Viewed 613 times


I am with a problem that I am not able to solve I have a sales order screen where it has to do the quantity calculation X unitary value = (fill in the total value and add in the total order), how do I perform this calculation with jquery someone can help me follow part of the code below.

<table id="table-itens" class="table table-bordered table-hover table-striped">
		<tr class='info'><th colspan='6'>Itens do pedido de venda</th></tr>
		<th class="th_codigo">Produto</th> 
		<th class="th_unitario">Valor Unit.</th>
		<th class="th_total">Total</th>
		<tr id='line1' >
			<td><input type='text' class='form-control input-sm codigo' value='29832' disabled /></td>
			<td class='class_quant'> <input class='form-control input-sm codigo' type='text'  name='ITEMARRAY[1][quantidade]' value=''  id='qtn02'   required/></td>
			<td class='class_unit'>   <input class='form-control input-sm vlr_unitario' type='tel' name='ITEMARRAY[1][vlr_unitario]' id='valor_unitario03'   required /></td>
			<td class='class_total'> <input class='form-control input-sm total' type='text'    name='ITEMARRAY[1][total]'       id='total02' readonly='readonly' /></td>
		<tr id='line2' >
			<td><input type='text' class='form-control input-sm codigo' value='29835' disabled /></td>
			<td class='class_quant'> <input class='form-control input-sm codigo' type='text'  name='ITEMARRAY[3][quantidade]'   value=''  id='qtn02'   required/></td>
			<td class='class_unit'>   <input class='form-control input-sm vlr_unitario' type='tel' name='ITEMARRAY[3][vlr_unitario]' id='valor_unitario03'   required /></td>
			<td class='class_total'> <input class='form-control input-sm total' type='text'    name='ITEMARRAY[3][total]'       id='total02' readonly='readonly' /></td>
		<tr class='info'>
			<td colspan='3'></td>
			<td class='total' colspan='2'><b>Total do pedido R$ : </b></td>
			<td><div id='total'><span class='value_total'></span> </div></td>

My jquery code looks like this, it is already calculating the values of the lines but I can not fill the total value of the line only passing over the field has some automatic way to do that when filling the quantity and the unitario value it already triggers the total of the line and sum in total?

$(window).ready(function () {
        $('#table-itens tr td.class_quant').keyup(function () {
            var quantidade = $(this).find('#qtn02').val();
            $('#table-itens tr td.class_unit').keyup(function () {
                valor_unitario = $(this).find('#valor_unitario03').val();
                var total = (quantidade * valor_unitario);
                $('#table-itens tr td.class_total').keyup(function () {
                    $(this).find('#total02').attr('value', total);

1 answer


One way would be to monitor the number and unit value fields and when there is an action, go through all fields and calculate the values:

First, put a specific class for the quantity field, in your html the code and quantity fields are with the same class codigo.


  //Quando houver alguma ação nos campos quantidade ou valor unitario
  $('.qtd, .vlr_unitario').on('change blur keyup',function(){
    $('.qtd').each(function(){//percorre todos os campos de quantidade
      var qtd = $(this).val();
      //pega o valor unitário
      var vlr = $(this).parent('td').siblings('td.class_unit').children('.vlr_unitario').val();
      // coloca o resultado no valor total
      $(this).parent('td').siblings('td').children('.total').val(qtd * vlr);
    //Soma o valor total do pedido
    var total = 0;
        total += parseFloat($(this).val());
<script src=""></script>
<table id="table-itens" class="table table-bordered table-hover table-striped">
		<tr class='info'><th colspan='6'>Itens do pedido de venda</th></tr>
		<th class="th_codigo">Produto</th> 
		<th class="th_unitario">Valor Unit.</th>
		<th class="th_total">Total</th>
		<tr id='line1' >
			<td><input type='text' class='form-control input-sm codigo' value='29832' disabled /></td>
			<td class='class_quant'> <input class='form-control input-sm qtd' type='text'  name='ITEMARRAY[1][quantidade]' value=''  id='qtn02'   required/></td>
			<td class='class_unit'>   <input class='form-control input-sm vlr_unitario' type='tel' name='ITEMARRAY[1][vlr_unitario]' id='valor_unitario03'   required /></td>
			<td class='class_total'> <input class='form-control input-sm total' type='text'    name='ITEMARRAY[1][total]'       id='total02' readonly='readonly' /></td>
		<tr id='line2' >
			<td><input type='text' class='form-control input-sm codigo' value='29835' disabled /></td>
			<td class='class_quant'> <input class='form-control input-sm qtd' type='text'  name='ITEMARRAY[3][quantidade]'   value=''  id='qtn02'   required/></td>
			<td class='class_unit'>   <input class='form-control input-sm vlr_unitario' type='tel' name='ITEMARRAY[3][vlr_unitario]' id='valor_unitario03'   required /></td>
			<td class='class_total'> <input class='form-control input-sm total' type='text'    name='ITEMARRAY[3][total]'       id='total02' readonly='readonly' /></td>
		<tr class='info'>
			<td colspan='3'></td>
			<td class='total' colspan='2'><b>Total do pedido R$ : </b></td>
			<td><div id='total'><span class='value_total'></span> </div></td>

Note: This is a suggestion to get an idea of how to do, I have not treated the fields to test values or to make rounding.

  • 1

    Thank you very much, it worked perfectly, man what you recommend me to improve knowledge in jquery some specific site?

  • @Check if the answer was useful for you mark it as accepted, so it can help other people with the same doubt. About the knowledge in jQuery I do not know indicate any specific site, I advise to see the documentation of jQuery itself, or rather, this site is very good to improve the knowledge. :)

  • 1

    beauty, I’ll do it the problem now is the English I find the examples sometimes very simple but it was of great value, hug.

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