Relative Path in Vbscript


Viewed 168 times


I want to associate a XML is an application in VBScript and I need to indicate in the application which directory should read the XML, however, as is easy to predict, Path of XML can’t be hardcoded.

Is there any way to VBScript indicate "../PastaAplicacao/Ficheiros/config.xml" with VBScript?

1 answer


You can both take the file path and treat:

Dim caminhoArquivo, segmentosCaminhoArquivo, nomeArquivo, caminhoPastaAtual

caminhoArquivo = Wscript.ScriptFullName
segmentosCaminhoArquivo = Split(caminhoArquivo, "\")

nomeArquivo = segmentosCaminhoArquivo(UBound(segmentosCaminhoArquivo))
caminhoPastaAtual = Left(caminhoArquivo, Len(caminhoArquivo) - Len(nomeArquivo))

Or even take the current directory when instantiating an object:

Set objShell = CreateObject(“Wscript.Shell”)

caminhoPastaAtual = objShell.CurrentDirectory

From there, you can use the relative path with:

caminhoOutraPasta = caminhoPastaAtual & "..\pastaIrma\"
caminhoOutraPasta2 = caminhoPastaAtual & "pastaFilha"

I hope I helped the/

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