Oops good night,
Personal to with a doubt that it is something silly, is that I am not accustomed to use an external connection class in the development, had this bad-habit but now I went to use and to find a Unreachable code if someone can help me/ explain why I appreciate :) Follows class and method error ta no con.disconnect();:
public class Conexao:IDisposable
private static string stringConexao = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["stringConexao"].ConnectionString;
private SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(stringConexao);
public void conectar()
if (con.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed)
public void desconectar()
if (con.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)
public SqlConnection getCon()
return con;
public int cadastrarAssociado (Associado assoc)
using(Conexao con = new Conexao())
using(SqlCommand comando = new SqlCommand(procCadastrar, con.getCon()))
comando.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@cpf", assoc.Cpf);
comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@nome", assoc.Nome);
comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@rg", assoc.Rg);
comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@data_nasc", assoc.Nascimento.Date);
comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@endereco", assoc.Endereco);
comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@apto", assoc.Apto);
comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@cidade", assoc.Cidade);
comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@estado", assoc.Estado);
comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@email", assoc.Email);
comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@usuario", assoc.Login);
comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@senha", assoc.Senha);
return Convert.ToInt32(comando.ExecuteScalar());
catch (SqlException)
Just remove the line! and its connection class has not been implemented Idisposable?
– user46523
But if I remove the line the connection will not close, It was the Idisposable only for when you finish using the using take from memory
– Filipe
If you implement
and put the disconnect on it yes! because it is usingusing
;– user46523
Really now I touched myself, I didn’t say it was something silly
– Filipe
put in the answer!
– user46523