Data does not appear in datagridview, even if it is a populated datasource, why?


Viewed 844 times


I’m trying to capture some information from the database, filter it and then run validation tests on each of the returned lines. Then I try to take the lines that failed the test and insert them into a new datatable. However, after having the datatable filled in and having it associated with datagridview as a datasource, the data does not appear in the datagridview object.

What can it be?

    Dim Aviso As New frmWarning
    Dim Filtros As String
    Dim DtTable As New DataTable
    Dim DtView As DataView


    Filtros = "Data >= '" & DtInicial.Text & "'"
    Filtros = Filtros & " and Data <= '" & DtFinal.Text & "'"
    Filtros = Filtros & " and Loja = " & Me.cmbLojas.SelectedValue

    With dgvCPF
        .AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCells
        .DataSource = Nothing
        .ColumnCount = 7
        .Columns(0).Name = "TipoDaNota"
        .Columns(0).DataPropertyName = "TipoDaNota"
        .Columns(1).Name = "CPF_CNPJ"
        .Columns(1).DataPropertyName = "CPF_CNPJ"
    End With

    If NotasTable.Rows.Count = 0 Then
        DtTable = preencheNotasImp() 'Retorna Busca de Dados
        DtView = New DataView(DtTable)
        DtView.RowFilter = Filtros ' Filtra os dados

        Dim CGC As String
        Dim DtAux As New DataTable
        DtTable = DtView.ToTable 'Retorna os dados filtrados para a antiga datatable

        For Each Row As DataRow In DtTable.Rows
            CGC = Row.Item(9).ToString()

            If ValidaCGCCPF.Validations.isCNPJ(CGC) = True Or _
                ValidaCGCCPF.Validations.isCPF(CGC) = True Then

                DtAux.ImportRow(Row) 'Importa linha 

            End If
        Next Row

        dgvCPF.DataSource = DtAux

    End If


1 answer


Try calling the grid Databind after setting the Datatable:

dgvCPF.DataSource = DtAux

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