Problem using MAP in Sass


Viewed 84 times


As released on the blog of Sass as of version 3.3 is available the creation of map in Sass (basically an object). I have the following version of Sass (duly updated by GEM):

$ sass -v
Sass 3.3.5 (Maptastic Maple)

And with the following version of Compass:

$ compass -v
Compass 0.12.5 (Alnilam)

So far, great. So I went to create a map that’s in a file called: _palette-colors.sass and has the following content:

$objeto: (key1: valor1, key2: valor2)

(I’ve tried it with the syntax of .scss also) And when I compile I get the following message:

error Sass/output/style.Sass (Line 4 of Sass/lib/map/_Palette-color.Sass: Invalid CSS after "(key1": expected ")", was ": valor1, Key2:...")

I wonder if I’m doing something wrong or if I’m forgetting to create or modify something before compiling. I did a web search and as it is something new in Sass I did not find many references about problems or applications.

PS: I’ve tried turning Keys and/or values into string’s and didn’t roll either.

  • I received from a friend via skype the answer to this problem and in case someone passes by it you need to run the following command: gem install compass --pre to install the latest beta of Compass.

  • Hi Juarez, here "solved" is an answer marked as correct. Please publish the solution as Answer in the box below. Check out the guide [About].

1 answer


Talking to a friend over skype he gave me the solution because I had already been through the same problem a little while ago.

Just run the command below at your ruby prompt (in windows) or linux terminal.

gem install compass --pre

The above command will install a Beta version of Compass that already supports Sass maps.

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