I installed XAMPP but can’t start apache, Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly


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I installed the XAMPP on Windows and I’m not getting to start apache, the error I see is:

18:32:57  [Apache]  Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly.
18:32:57  [Apache]  This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies, 
18:32:57  [Apache]  improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method.
18:32:57  [Apache]  Press the Logs button to view error logs and check
18:32:57  [Apache]  the Windows Event Viewer for more clues
18:32:57  [Apache]  If you need more help, copy and post this
18:32:57  [Apache]  entire log window on the forums
  • I found the answer in the English version, I asked the question to translate the answer, follow: > If you are using the latest version of skype, go to Tools > Options > Advanced > Connection and disable "Use port 80 and 443 for alternatives for incoming Connections" > Disconnect and close Skype. Try to start Apach now. Link: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18300377/xampp-apache-error-apache-shutdown-unexpectedly/18995458#18995458? newreg=fa5ebf82ca8541a5a3d317a845d71179

  • DBX8 - add the XAMPP tag, vc can?

  • NOTE: In Windows there are several services / programs that use port 80 (including own Microsoft), if no solution works try another port to see what happens.

  • Related: http://answall.com/q/80485/3635

6 answers


Answer put as a comment:

If you are using the latest version of Skype:

  • Go on Tools > Options > Advanced > Connection.
  • Disable the option Use port 80 and 443 for alternatives for incoming connections.

    inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Sign out and close Skype.
  • Start up Apache again.



The same thing happened to me, but as I am without skype I had to look for another solution. For those who don’t have skype and had the same problem, follows the way I solved mine:

1- I opened the task manager (I’m using Windows 7)

2- I searched in Applications something related to this (mysqld.exe *32)

3- I have completed the mysqld.exe *32 process

4- I started Xampp and Apache started up again as normal.

Source: http://www.tecgirl.com.br/2015/12/06/problemas-em-iniciar-o-apache-do-xampp/


It is not always port problem. In my case, it was another problem: Root directory not found.

I found out by opening the Xampp -> Shell (below the "Netstat" button) and I’ve turned the command apache_start.bat and then I got the message that he was not finding the root directory specified in httpd.conf.

I updated the path and started smoothly.


to know exactly what is listening to port 80 (or any other port) run cmd as administrator, and type: netstat -anb

in the example below, apache.exe is listening to port 80 on all machine Ips.

    C:\Windows\system32>netstat -anb

    Conexões ativas

      Proto  Endereço local         Endereço externo       Estado
      TCP                 LISTENING


In addition to Skype, as they said in the other replies, do the following:

In the Start menu, type "resources" and click "Enable or disable Windows features". Wait a few minutes.

menu iniciar

When the "Windows Features" window opens, uncheck the "Internet Information Services" box. And press OK. The process may take a few minutes. Then restart your computer.

recursos do windows

Something else to do, which was explained by @Marcielli Oliveira, is: once you install XAMPP, start apache and error, open the task manager and kill all processes httpd.exe *32 and mysqld.exe *32. Once done, start Apache again.


One of the causes of this error is the existence of another program/service that may be using port 80, such as IIS (Internet Information Service) for example.

To make sure that port 80 is not being used by another program, open the Command Line (open as administrator on Windows 7) and run the command:

C:>netstat -a -b

If another program is using port 80, the name of the executable will be listed.

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