Is there any way to know if someone is referencing some file from my site in another?


Viewed 89 times


i have a photo on my website logo.jpg If some smart guy uses my image that took me hours to make and use on your site in a tag there is the possibility of knowing where the source request to the file on my server?

  • 1

    worth 50 points

  • concerned with intellectual property or traffic clandestine? If you are the first, the person can download your logo and serve from another server, there is no way to know that. If it is the second, it is possible to check the access log.

  • no man I used a little sensationalism to see if some god fi would solve answer my question

  • 1

    You can, via javascript, store the alleged ips of those who made clicks (right or left mouse button) in the image. If it is really to see if your image is used somewhere google is the best, just drag the image there

  • after I pick up the ip I file a complaint at the police station I just want to know if it is possible to identify these type of activity but it will not be a good idea @Miguel

1 answer


It is possible to know who made the request through the header Referer of HTTP. This is usually stored in a log file access.log, but it depends on the configuration and which server you are using.

Note: if your page is HTTP and the external server (which is referencing your resource) is HTTPS, you will not receive the Referer data for security reasons. But it will be possible to identify strange activity, since requests for this feature from your site will include your own host as a Referer, already external requests will include another or no host.

  • it may be that these systems of ids have some that monitors in real time I will give a search

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