Android Studio Installation: Path to JDK


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A few weeks ago I installed Android Studio and was developing the project and "accidentally" I deleted some folders that I shouldn’t have (careless on my part).

I couldn’t find solution to repair the deleted folders so I decided to uninstall AS and install again.

Only now I’m finding a problem that’s been taking me seriously for two days.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I’ve looked for all kinds of help and always explain that the problem is in the JAVA_PATH, HOME_PATH, PATH, CLASS_PATH, and so many others, but None of these system variables have solved my problem.

I already removed and reinstalled JDK jdk-7u80-windows-x64 a trillion times and the installer doesn’t seem to find the path of the blessed.

Sure! There is a field for me to reference directly to it, but the error keeps coming up.

Grateful for the understanding.


The error is this, the system variables are set and I can not continue the installation of Android Studio.

EDITED 28/05

It turns out I was able to install this morning.

I went to the control panel and had JDK uninstalled. I don’t know what I did, since the day I asked the question I tried to ask it four times and it didn’t solve the problem.

Thank you all.

  • Are you installing which version of android studio? Because it has the 32-bit version (x86) and the 64 version (x86_64).

  • What value of JAVA_HOME? Which one of yours PATH complete (do not need everything, obviously remove the parts anything to do with java)?

  • The version of AS I’m installing is x64 The value of JAVA_HOME > "C: Program Files Java jdk1.7.0_80"

  • I had this problem this week, I installed it on D disk and 64 bit version, only it ended up in C: Program Files (x86) Java jdk1.7.0_55 checks if its this ai

1 answer


Download the most current Android Studio IDE, and download your JDK depending on your 32bit or 64bit machine, to make your installation work, how to know if your machine is 32bit or 64bit?

Keystone windows + r and type control and press enter, now go to System and there you will know and will have the information.

Another important thing:

  • In Sistema
  • Advanced System Settings
  • System Properties
  • Advanced
  • Environment variables

If you have - Variáveis de usuário - equal to - Variáveis do sistema - your installation will always give error, delete the - Variáveis de usuário - wrong and include only those of tutorial in - Variáveis do sistema -, as seen below.

-- Wrong Way --

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

-- Right Way --

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Also beware of duplicates of JDK in, Valor da variável, example:

C: Program Files Java jdk1.8.0_66 bin;C: Program Files Any Software;C: Program Files Java jdk1.7.0_41 bin;

Keep only the most current JDK, do not duplicate entries in Valor da variável, thus:

C: Program Files Java jdk1.8.0_66 bin;C: Program Files Any Software;

I mean the value of your JDK, only appears once in each variable!

  • 1

    Oops, thank you Paul. I hope someone else will benefit from your reply

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