Sublime Text Plugin - Automatically post files to another folder


Viewed 244 times


Does anyone know any plugin for Sublime Text 2 that somehow publish the modified files in a given folder?

Another app that has this feature is Dreamweaver.

1 answer


I use a build system. It’s fast, easy and simple. :)

I use Windows 8, but the principle is the same for other operating systems (and there are more details in the documentation I referenced above):

  • Create a file of build system specific to your project (for example, meuProjeto.sublime-build) in the directory Packages\User from the installation (in the case of Windows is on User\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User).

  • Add in this file a command tag for the execution of a script (in the case of Windows, a file batch). For example:

    "cmd": ["C:\\CAMINHO\\DO\\SCRIPT\\meuProjeto-copiaArquivos.bat"]
  • Then create the script in the path and with the name previously configured, adding the necessary commands to copy the files of your project.

I use this schema to copy files from web projects using the command xcopy to a Wamp Server folder, and then automatically opening Google Chrome on localhost:

@echo off
xcopy /E /Y /A C:\CAMINHO\DO\PROJETO\*.* C:\wamp\www\MeuProjeto\
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" "http://localhost/"

Then you’ll probably need to reboot Sublime Text, but the new build system can be selected from the menu Tools -> Build System and run in the menu Tools -> Build.

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