omnifaces does not recognize CDI configured in Tomcat


Viewed 746 times


Good morning everyone. I’m doing the book project "algaworks-ebook-java-ee-7-com-jsf-primefaces-e-cdi-2a-edition-20150228" and I’m having trouble adding the omnifaces.

When I go up the Tomcat, I get the following error:

INFO: WELD-ENV-001100: Tomcat 7+ detected, CDI injection will be available in Servlets, Filters and Listeners.
mai 26, 2016 10:13:07 AM org.omnifaces.ApplicationInitializer logOmniFacesVersion
INFORMAÇÕES: Using OmniFaces version 2.3
mai 26, 2016 10:13:07 AM org.jboss.weld.environment.servlet.Listener contextInitialized
INFO: WELD-ENV-001006: org.jboss.weld.environment.servlet.EnhancedListener used for ServletContext notifications
mai 26, 2016 10:13:07 AM org.omnifaces.ApplicationListener checkCDIAvailable
?                         ??     ?                                             ?
?    ?                  ?????    ? OmniFaces failed to initialize!             ?
?   ????               ??????    ?                                             ?
?   ??????            ???????    ? This OmniFaces version requires CDI, but    ?
?   ???????          ???????     ? none was found on this environment.         ?
?    ???????????????????????     ?                                             ?
?    ???????????????????????     ? OmniFaces 2.x requires a minimum of JSF 2.2.?
?     ?????????????????????      ? Since this JSF version, the JSF managed bean?
?     ?????????????????????      ? facility @ManagedBean is semi-official      ?
?     ??????????????????????     ? deprecated in favour of CDI. JSF 2.2 users  ?
?     ??????????????????????     ? are strongly encouraged to move to CDI.     ?
?     ??????????????????????     ?                                             ?
?    ???????????????????????     ? OmniFaces goes a step further by making CDI ?
?    ????????????????????????    ? a REQUIRED dependency next to JSF 2.2. This ?
?    ????????????????????????    ? not only ensures that your web application  ?
?   ???????????????? ????????    ? represents the state of art, but this also  ?
?   ?????????????????????????    ? makes for us easier to develop OmniFaces,   ?
?   ??????????????????????????   ? without the need for all sorts of hacks in  ?
?   ??????????????????????????   ? in order to get OmniFaces to deploy on      ?
?  ????????????????????????????  ? environments without CDI.                   ?
?  ????????????????????????????  ?                                             ?
?  ????????????????????????????  ? You have 3 options:                         ?
?????????????????????????????????? 1. Downgrade to OmniFaces 1.x.              ?
?????????????????????????????????? 2. Install CDI in this environment.         ?
?????????????????????????????????? 3. Switch to a CDI capable environment.     ?
??????????????????????????????????                                             ?
?????????????????????????????????? For additional instructions, check          ?
??????????????????????????????????                    ?
??????????????????????????????????                                             ?

Remembering that:

  • Environment (Tomcat 8, Java 8)
  • I already have Weld CDI configured and working


    <!-- Weld (implementação do CDI) -->

    <!-- OmniFaces (utilitarios para JSF) -->

xml context. in the src/main/webapp/META-INF directory :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Manager pathname="" />
    <Resource name="BeanManager" auth="Container"
        type="javax.enterprise.inject.spi.BeanManager" factory="org.jboss.weld.resources.ManagerObjectFactory" />

web xml.



Beans.xml - In the src/main/Resources/META-INF directory

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
    version="1.1" bean-discovery-mode="all">



1 answer


The solution is not mine, but as it seems to be the same problem to which I was put the solution finds to which solved my problem...

"The problem is the artifact, but if you use this version will work

if using Maven this is the procedure

puts the reference in the pom.xml"


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