The object does not support the property or method in util.js of the Google api


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I have an application in Delphi XE7 that loads a google map to generate route in Twebbrowser, but when generating the route it is shown only that it generates error when will put the path described in the element. I tried using api from version 18 to version 23, but it didn’t take effect.

Even via browser if using IE8 occurs the problem.

I noticed that jstcache and jsaction attributes were added to the Directions tags

I call the map.directions_display.setDirections(result method);


I tried to add the metatag to IE=9, but then my map doesn’t load.

--I changed via registration via the link and worked only for IE11. Any suggestions for my clients who have windows XP, other than operating system migration?

It started out of nowhere this morning.

  • Try to put in the property of Twebbrowser Silent=True

1 answer


Google no longer supports IE 8, for me it happened exactly the same thing, but unfortunately there is nothing to do in Windows XP, only in Windows 7 or higher where there is or can be installed, the IE 11 and do this procedure of adding a key in the registry.

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