Difficulty displaying data on the angled screen


Viewed 520 times


Good afternoon, everyone

I’m making an app, where, when typing a text, the message should appear on the screen. But something strange happens, only the cards (where the text should be displayed) appear and empty! Without the text.


ion-view title="Chat" hide-back-button="false">
<ion-content overflow-scroll="true" padding="true" class="has-header">

    <div ng-repeat="mensagem in mensagens">


<form name="chatForm">
 <ion-footer-bar class="bar-stable item-input-inset">
 <!--<button class="button button-clear button-positive button-icon button-camera ion-camera" ng-click="addMedia()"></button>-->
  <label class="item-input-wrapper">
    <input type="text" ng-focus="inputUp()" ng-blur="inputDown()" name="chat" ng-model="mensagem.chat" placeholder="Texto" ng-required="true" ng-disabled="disableButtonChat"/>
  <!--<button class="button-mic ion-ios-mic"></button>-->
  <button class="button button-clear button-positive" ng-disabled="chatForm.chat.$invalid || disableButtonChat" ng-click="enviarMsgChat(mensagem)">Enviar</button>



.controller('chatCtrl', function($scope, $http, $window, $ionicScrollDelegate) {
$scope.mensagens = [];
$scope.mensagem = {
  chat: ""

$scope.enviarMsgChat = function (mensagem) {
    var msg = mensagem.chat;

    $scope.disableButtonChat = true;

    var dia = moment().format(); //2016-02-16 T 16:05:52-02:00
    var diaP = dia.split('T');
    var dia = diaP[0];

    var horaP = diaP[1];
    var horaP2 = horaP.split(':');
    var hora = horaP2[0]+':'+horaP2[1];

    var idUsuario = $window.localStorage.getItem('idUsuario');
    var nome = $window.localStorage.getItem('nome');
    var usuario = $window.localStorage.getItem('usuario');
    var logradouro = $window.localStorage.getItem('logradouro');

    var msgChat = {
        idUsuario: idUsuario,
        nome: nome,
        usuario: usuario,
        logradouro: logradouro,
        mensagem: msg,
        dia: dia,
        hora: hora

    $scope.mensagens.push({usuario:usuario, mensagem:msg, hora:hora})


  • Try putting a {{mensagens}} in your html and see if the array is displayed on the screen.

  • 1

    Is the "Imagecontroller" you’re using? Under your form and under the div "card" leaves "{{messages}}" to see if you change the value when you fill in some input

  • Yeah, there really is a weird controller there haha

  • It’s this Imagemcontroller I don’t even remember the pq put there kkkkk But I’ll take and do the test you suggested.

  • I put {{messages}} just below "<div class="card" ng-repeat="message in messages">" and they appeared, 3 times this: {name: "Flávia Schneider", message: "Olá", time: "17:32"}

  • For having an object already called "message" try to make the loop with ng-repeat="mens in messages" and at the time of writing vc calls {{mens.name}}

  • No @Andrévicente, it didn’t work As putting only {{message}} the name the message and the time appear, I tried to do the normal: {message.name}}, but then it doesn’t appear... I think it’s weird.

  • Weird. Seeing the image you posted from to see that repeats 3 times showing that it has 3 same records. Another thing I would try is to inspect the element and see if "<H2>" and "<p>" are really empty

  • Dude, I redid some of the code, based on a video of what a guy did and it worked. I just took the div that makes it appear in 3 parts... I’ll post what I remade

  • I just edited the codes from my post.

  • @Andrévicente, I’m managing to make the message appear on the screen, HOWEVER, if I type another message, add the last one and the new one appears, IE, the messages are being overwritten! Need for them to "pile up"

  • 1

    The way it is in the code vc is replacing the message array with the last message that came. You have to push the array. $Scope.mensagens.push(new).

  • Hi @Andrévicente. Yes I already did. Just yesterday I found the problem. That part "$Scope.messages = [];" had to be at the beginning of the controller and that $Scope.mensagens.push({user:user, message:msg, time:time}) inside the sending Function. I will post the updated code

  • 1

    That’s right, blz. I’m glad you solved it. Good luck there.

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