I have an Items entity that relates to the product table and it is already in production and is working perfectly! Now I need to create a search report in which the user can determine through filters the conditions of this query. The query fields the user can choose are:
- Date - Date Request To
- Shop
- Item
- Brand
- Forma Pagamento.
The report is very simple and the result will be displayed through a View with List. The report has already been created without the use of fields previously informed. I am using Entityframework in the queries and for this report I am currently using this query:
return Db.TabCadStatusOrdemServicoItem.ToList().OrderByDescending(x => x.Descricao);
The question is: how do I include the fields in the above query knowing that for some fields the user can select the all option (e.g. store)?
Grateful for the strength!
Eduardo, thank you so much for your help, I will apply your tip on my system - Thank you!
– urlflavio