Modeling Database


Viewed 145 times


Specifying the tables I’m doubtful are, in my case, a work of a company for the college, the tables: Input and Diagnosis, in which the input is when someone brings some equipment, and then is made the diagnosis, but the diagnosis has more than 40 fields, then I divided them into 5 tables by categories. I wanted to ask if dividing a table into 5 because it contains too many fields in a single table, you are not following the normalization rules?

2 answers


This has nothing to do with normalization, neither for better nor for worse. Unless you have hidden requirements in the question, I cannot talk about what is not written.

Generally speaking, I wouldn’t do this separation unless I had a good reason. If I see disadvantages, it slows down, complicates the application, makes it easier to make more mistakes. The advantage of being "more organized" is quite questionable. Some will say that it is disorganizing, since separating what is a single thing is probably something worse.

Every decision a programmer makes should be based on realistic justifications and well-defined criteria, bringing some real advantage without bringing undesirable disadvantages. I doubt I can give a good reason to separate these camps.

  • I separated to differentiate the categories, that’s all, but all categories belong to the same diagnosis and the relationships will all be equal. I’m used to separating things as much as possible because I’m afraid I might interfere in some way in the future. But thanks @bigown, I understood your (and other) points of view, my goal is to realize the basis with the opinion of others so that you can get "higher" :)

  • Wouldn’t it be the case of Type of Diagnosis ? But difficult to opine without seeing the survey.


This "separation" was based on the definition of any of the Normal Forms?! If you can justify based on the statement of some ok FN (remembering that they are cumulative).

As @Maniero commented, if the project is small and has no claim to scalability, it makes no sense to split. Perhaps standardisation would only add unnecessary complexity.

However, if you have an interest and/or need to already make a database project following good practices, it is convenient to normalize.

Normalization is a step-by-step process. You can’t skip steps. Research on the Forms Normal and apply up to at least 3FN.

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