I have this code below that shows me a graph but in IE does not work the function exportEnable and animationEnabled in Chrome works but when I call the page in modal the screen height is short in Chrome and in IE with the view Compatibility mode Enabled Settings functions but with small window height, in modal I’m using a bootstrap library and inside modal I’m calling an iframe that brings the pages with graph
codigo canvas js:
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function () {
var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("chartContainer",
//text: "Failure Overall - WK5" ,
//fontColor: "red"
//text: "<?php echo date("F j, Y, g:i a");?>",
//fontColor: "black"
colorSet: "greenShades",
animationEnabled: true,
exportEnabled: true,
responsive: true,
axisY: {
tickThickness: 1,
lineThickness: 1,
gridThickness: 1
axisX: {
tickThickness: 1,
lineThickness: 1,
labelFontSize: 11,
interval: 1,
labelFontColor: "Peru",
labelAngle: -30
dataPointWidth: 40,
data: [
type: "column",
indexLabelFontFamily: "arial",
indexLabelFontColor: "black",
//showInLegend: true,
//legendText: "Total Failure: <?php echo $total;?>",
dataPoints: [
<?php echo substr($linhaASM,0,-1); ?>
type: "line",
//lineThickness: 4,
indexLabelFontFamily: "arial",
indexLabelFontColor: "black",
//**Try various lineThickness values **//
dataPoints: [
<?php echo substr($linhaPKG,0,-1); ?>