Creating a "check" method in a DAO class


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I have a question when creating a method that checks if there is already a record in my database.

In my database I have two tables:

Table User: (id, login, password); Order table: (id, Qtd, status,id_user);

I would like to check the status in the Requests table, and the User table has a relationship with the Requests table.

My idea is to check the status of an order whenever a particular user tries to place a new order, if you have an open order the order will not be added to the database.

Below is my method check:

public int verificaStatus(String status, Usuario u) {
    int id = 0;
    Connection conn = null;
    ResultSet resultSet = null;
    PreparedStatement stmt = null;
    conn = getConnection();

    try {
        stmt = conn
                .prepareStatement("SELECT pedidos.status=?, pedidos.id_usuario=?" +
                        "FROM pedidos" +
                        "INNER JOIN usuario ON pedidos.id_usuario =" +
                        "WHERE pedidos.id_usuario = '" + u.getId() + "' ");
        stmt.setString(1, status);
        resultSet = stmt.executeQuery();
        if ( {
            id = resultSet.getInt("id_usuario");
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    } finally {
        closeConnection(conn, (Statement) stmt, resultSet);
    System.out.println("ID do Usuário: " + id);
    System.out.println("ID do u.getId(): " + u.getId());
    return id;

Follow my "insert method":

public int inserir(Pedidos pedidos) {
 Connection conn = null;
 conn = getConnection();
 int sucesso = 0;
 Usuario u = new Usuario();
 int pedidosRealizados = verificaStatus(pedidos.getStatus()); //Nesse linha possui um erro, passei apenas o "status" como parâmetro, no método verifica é passado como parâmetro duas vaiáveis.

 if (pedidosRealizados == 0) {
     PreparedStatement stmt = null;
     try {
         stmt = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO "
                 + "pedidos (loja, status, comentario, quantidade, id_usuario) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)");

         stmt.setString(1, pedidos.getLoja());
         stmt.setString(2, pedidos.getStatus());
         stmt.setString(3, pedidos.getComentario());
         stmt.setInt(4, pedidos.getQuantidade());
         stmt.setInt(5, pedidos.getId_usuario());

         sucesso = stmt.executeUpdate();

         if (sucesso > 0) {
             System.out.println("PEDIDO REALIZADO COM SUCESSO!");
             System.out.println("Pedidos realizados: " + pedidosRealizados);
             System.out.println("Status: " + pedidos.getStatus());

     } catch (SQLException e) {
         System.out.println("ERRO AO REALIZAR O PEDIDO!");
     } finally {
         closeConnection(conn, (Statement) stmt);
 } else {
     System.out.println("ERRO: EXISTE UM PEDIDO EM ABERTO");
 return sucesso;
  • Do you want to check how? Passing a status as parameter? You can only have one order at a time in the bank?

1 answer


I don’t understand very well, but if you want to check if a particular user already has an open order you can do the following:

   public int verificaStatus(Usuario usuario) {
        int id = 0;
        Connection conn = null;
        ResultSet resultSet = null;
        PreparedStatement stmt = null;
        conn = getConnection();
        try {
            stmt = conn
                    .prepareStatement("SELECT pedidos.status=? pedidos.id_usuario=? FROM pedidos INNER JOIN usuario ON "
                            + "pedidos.id_usuario =" 
                            + "WHERE pedidos.id_usuario = '" + usuario.getId() + "' "
                            + "AND pedido.status = 'EM ABERTO' ");
            stmt.setString(1, status);
            resultSet = stmt.executeQuery();
            if ( {
                id = resultSet.getInt("id_usuario");
                System.out.println("ID do Usuário: " + id);
        } catch (SQLException e) {
        } finally {
            closeConnection(conn, (Statement) stmt, resultSet);
        return id;

I changed two points in your code. The first is the parameter passed, I’m assuming you have a current user, ie the user who is logged in.

The second point is the conditions added in the clause WHERE:

"WHERE pedidos.id_usuario = '"+usuario.getId()+"' "


 "AND pedido.status = 'EM ABERTO' "

The first rule checks if any user id is equal to the parameter passed. And the second rule checks if the order status is open.

I couldn’t quite understand your question, if it’s not something very similar, then just adapt your code.

  • I forgot to post the "insert" method, in the edition I added. My question is now regarding the type of parameter passed in the "check" method I put a string, you suggested a variable of type User, but before using the "INSERT INTO" I need to pass a String as parameter in the "verificaStatus". How does that matter?

  • Just pass along with the user in the parameter.

  • Thus: "public int verificaStatus(User user, String status) {}"?

  • That’s right @Clicnet

  • I changed the method checks as you suggested, but ended up generating two problems in the methods: 1. The id of the user that is in the SQL code is returning "null". 2º. When I call the method "check" in the method "insert" give an error of incompatible data types because within the parameter I am passing a String and a User type. See: "int pedidosRealizados = verificaStatus(requests.getStatus(), u.getId)"; How do I solve this problem?

  • User id type is same as the database?

  • It is, in the bank ta int(20)

  • Edit the question and put down your new method

  • Okay, I edited it. I tested the SQL query of the check method by assigning an id in "u.getId" and it worked out it returned all the status of a specific user. In other words, the SQL query is ok.

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