Logic of developing a virtual keyboard in c


Viewed 162 times


I create a array containing the 127 characters ascii eg list(char(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...)) and add an identifier with each key with each item in the list - corresponding to their respective values.

I implement the functions ALFA NUMERICO and LOWERCASE in the program, I create a graphical interface and put to run inside a loop.

The logic of the program would be, I think I could develop a prototype in Python, but, I would like an example in c.

who wants to cooperate I will leave the repository link github

  • 1

    I think you’d need to do something with threads (wikipedia article). Anyway perhaps prefer to do this project in a more modern language, with inherent facilities for GUI.

  • what are the most modern languages of seriousness? and in relation to threads I will take into consideration the comment

  • I think I’ll create a project on github to host the sharing with the guys the development process

  • @ed1rac this type of edition you made is totally discouraged. Edits can improve or fix the formatting of the post, but cannot add to or change the meaning of what the author said. Always choose to comment and advise the author to make this issue himself.

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