How to place markers on the x-axis of a Chart line c#


Viewed 549 times


I would like to know how to leave markers (such as a ball) on the X axes at each point of the graphic. Currently the graphic is like this:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I wanted every month to be able to have a dot dot ball corresponding to the value and not just a line, I would like it to look something like this:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Which property I need to change ?

Follow the code of the graph:

<asp:Chart ID="graficoLinhaVendas" runat="server" Width="750px" >
                                            <asp:Series Name="graficoLinhaVendas" ChartType="Spline" IsXValueIndexed="True" BorderWidth="2" YValuesPerPoint="2"></asp:Series>
                                            <asp:ChartArea Name="ChartArea1" AlignmentOrientation="All" BackColor="Transparent" BackImageTransparentColor="Transparent" BorderColor="Transparent" ShadowColor="DimGray">
                                                <AxisY InterlacedColor="WhiteSmoke" IsInterlaced="True">
                                                    <MajorGrid LineColor="WhiteSmoke" />
                                                    <MajorGrid IntervalType="Auto" LineColor="Gainsboro" />
                                                    <MajorTickMark LineWidth="10" Size="10" TickMarkStyle="None" />
                                                <AxisX2 LineColor="Silver" LineWidth="10">
                                                <Area3DStyle Inclination="10" IsClustered="True" IsRightAngleAxes="False" PointDepth="0" PointGapDepth="0" Rotation="50" WallWidth="10" />

public void MontarGraficoLinha()
        graficoLinhaVendas.Series["graficoLinhaVendas"].Points.AddXY("Janeiro", 1000);
        graficoLinhaVendas.Series["graficoLinhaVendas"].Points.AddXY("Fevereiro", 1465);
        graficoLinhaVendas.Series["graficoLinhaVendas"].Points.AddXY("Março", 845);
        graficoLinhaVendas.Series["graficoLinhaVendas"].Points.AddXY("Abril", 1173);
        graficoLinhaVendas.Series["graficoLinhaVendas"].Points.AddXY("Maio", 1500);
  • 1

    How is the routine that generates the graph? Post the code responsible in the question.

  • @Lucassousa posts the code...

  • I put the code

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