How to use a credential in the url when the user’s name is an email? Is it necessary to escape?


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For you to make connections via SSH, usually use credentials directly in the url not be necessary to set the user and password all the time.


 ssh://login:[email protected]/repos/repositorio.git

That’s exactly what I’m doing to utilize the Bower to manage CSS and javascript dependencies, but I have to use the user and password, because the repository is in Bitbucket.

However, we recently created a user who, in order to authenticate, is required to pass the email and password.

But as far as I know, the character @ is part of the separation between host and credenciais do usuário.

So, if I need to connect a user that contains the username how the e-emai, how could I do?

Example, I need to authenticate this user:

 usuário: desenvolvimento@meusite
 senha: 123456
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